• Question: what is gravity?

    Asked by anon-255776 on 22 May 2020.
    • Photo: Tiffany Chan

      Tiffany Chan answered on 22 May 2020:

      I’m not an expert on gravity, I’m afraid – someone else might have a better answer. It’s essentially a force that attracts objects – anything with mass/energy – to one another.

    • Photo: Georgia Brittain

      Georgia Brittain answered on 26 May 2020: last edited 26 May 2020 8:51 am

      I’m no physicist so cannot give the greatest answer to this. From my understanding, gravity is a force which pulls stuff together which have mass/energy. The more mass something has, the stronger the pull of gravity has on the object. Gravity is basically what helps us stay on the ground.

      Here’s a link which might explain better along with a video – and has a fun little test your knowledge quiz at the end 🙂

