Asked by anon-258692 to Katherine, Aisling on 14 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Katherine Haxton

      Katherine Haxton answered on 14 Jul 2020:

      That’s a big question! It feels like there are quite a few things to be scared of at the moment so I’m trying really hard not to worry about things that are going on, and follow the guidelines the government issues. I’m a bit scared about what will happen when everyone goes back to school and university in the Autumn.
      I do research into why some people are scared of chemical names – the ones that sound very sciencey – and we’ve found that people are wary of things that they don’t understand. That seems like a really logical response, particularly to chemicals when we know that many can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

    • Photo: Aisling Ryan

      Aisling Ryan answered on 14 Jul 2020:

      Good question! I am scared about when I finish my PhD and have to find a job in a comany. I have spent the last seven years doing degrees and being in a university so finding a job is a really big step and something completely different to what I usually do. But I am also excited! Although change is not something I like (and it scares me) it helps me to grow as a person and makes me develop my skills as a chemist as well! Moving out of your comfort zone will often be scary, but it will also open lots of new and exciting opportunities as well 🙂 I try to take each experience as it comes and keep an open mind!
