• Question: After finding out a bit more about you,I find that you are passionate about trying to encourage girls and women to consider STEM in their future.Is there a particular reason that your so passionate about this topic?

    Asked by anon-258105 to Tiffany on 29 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Tiffany Chan

      Tiffany Chan answered on 29 Jun 2020: last edited 29 Jun 2020 12:57 pm

      Hi Misba! I was lucky enough to go to a school that really pushed STEM and had the resources to do so, and I’ve always tried to ‘give back’ as I know not everyone is as fortunate as I was. I’m keen on encouraging as many young people to get into STEM as possible – not just girls – and I’ve worked with many outreach programmes to try and do this. However, there remains a lack of girls in STEM, particularly in engineering disciplines, and so it’s extra important that we try to highlight to girls in particular that a career in STEM is one that they should consider. Things are definitely changing with time (there are many more females studying STEM subjects at undergraduate level, compared to the amount of females that are at professor level), but I still think that society sees certain subjects as being more ‘male-aligned’ than others – and this is something we need to continue to work at! (for example, at my school, there were 10x more girls studying biology than physics, even though it was an all-girls school!)
